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  1. I would go to a scrapyard and see whats there....chances are most Vauxhall bulb holders may also be the same so take your old one to compare
  2. Is it steaming up inside the vehicle? - if so then heater matrix may be the cause If its not being burnt through the exhaust (white smoke) then maybe its leaking into the engine oil - oil will appear milky in colour Also, check the coolant pressure cap is okay or renew as this can lower the pressure in the system leading to a lower boiling point and losing it through steam from the expansion tank
  3. Sounds like the mirror connection wasn't plugged back in after the work on the window regulator was carried out? Heated rear screen could be many things causing it not to work but worth checking the elements on the glass are intact and electrical connections are in secure
  4. I wonder if there is a break in the wires leading from the body to the tailgate pull back the rubber gaiter and see if there are broken wires in there
  5. Gear oil is too heavy grade possibly (although quite unlikely in UK) - manual transmission ?
  6. Glad to hear the light has been put out and intermittent faults can randomly occur but when they constantly come up then some further investigation is required As for a tuning box. I successfully lived with one on my Honda CRV and it was a superb piece of kit. Downside to it is that something is always a weak point and in my case it was the clutch (self adjusting) where too much torque was instantly delivered and overwhelmed the adjustment springs/wedges causing it to slip. Otherwise so much more driveable with it in normal mode, better mpg and performance.....would happily fit another one to a car (with a stronger clutch). If you find there is a marked improvement on low setting then maybe just leave it there
  7. It could well be something that is vibrating at a certain speed/rpm, so if this is the case I would check for wheel imbalance (usually occurs around 60mph and then disappears over that speed) to eliminate any vibration being transferred through the vehicle. As long as the engine is healthy and fresh oil, filter, etc then it may be a process of elimination.
  8. let us know how you get on with it Sometimes it can be a faulty aerial (part that reads the key in the ignition lock barrel area)
  9. Has the screen suffered any damage or drink split over it?
  10. I would imagine there would be loads in the scrapyard and also from other models that may fit. In the past I have had to resort to replacing other plastic engine parts sourced from scrapyards as none available from the dealer
  11. Thanks for letting us know the outcome Worth getting a replacement in case the only other one goes faulty in the future
  12. I would run a scan to see if there are any fault codes present in the ECU memory. Quite possible it could be a faulty crankshaft sensor which needs to see the crank rotating to initiate the fuel system, pump, etc
  13. I would imagine it is the coolant temperature sensor at fault. This time of year it is quite common for sensors to go faulty with the extreme cold temperatures. May not flag a fault as it might just come under the 'out of range' category Run a scan of the engine management system and check live data to see what the sensor is reading
  14. I would be tempted to scan the fuel system electronics and see what the live data comes up with, could be a fuel pressure sensor issue or air being drawn into the fuel system (slight leak in the filter housing area, etc)
  15. I would get the system scanned to determine if there are any fault codes present Also, maybe worth trying another key (if you have one) to see if there is an issue with it being recognised by the immobliser system
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