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Vauxhall Owners Club

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Vauxhall Owners Club last won the day on December 20 2024

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  1. would consider selling my omega mv6

  2. Hi...welcome to the Club quite a rare van to see on the roads nowadays Good to have you onboard!
  3. I would get another scan as those codes may have been caused by sensors being disconnected during some work on the engine. A fresh scan will at least show current faults since the historic ones were cleared....at least you'll know the current fault
  4. Regular maintenance The effect of inadequate maintenance of the car is very underestimated. The controlling of the clutch is hydraulic and receives its fluid from the brake fluid reservoir. When the brake fluid is contaminated, it doesn’t just affect the brake system but also the clutch system (and therefore also the clutch actuator). Especially oil seals don’t like this contamination. Information source: https://www.actronics.co.uk/acinsights/bosch-easytronic-f13-mta-f17-mta
  5. Some more information that I have found Hydraulic fluid Also checking and replacing (when needed) the hydraulic fluid is no unnecessary luxury. Many cases are known where the system has not had maintenance for years and where flushing and bleeding solved the problem. Flushing and bleeding the hydraulic circuit has even more advantages: possible defects with the clutch actuator (see below for more information) are easy to be detected. The bleeding-procedure is so detailed, that during controlling the clutch actuator, defects easily become visible. Often the actuator is (partly) defective.
  6. On a Vauxhall with an Easytronic transmission, the transmission fluid reservoir is typically located on the top of the transmission housing, near the rear of the engine bay; it will usually have a small fill cap that you can access to check and add fluid, though the exact location might vary slightly depending on the specific Vauxhall model - always consult your vehicle's owner's manual for the most accurate location
  7. Here is the correct fluid for the Easytronic transmission https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273902881945?_skw=Easytronic+fluid&epid=8032645257&itmmeta=01JJP6NQHEJSKWFDYZBPW8JFK2&hash=item3fc5e24c99:g:EUsAAOSweY9maFMz&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlWqFaBEvDBkvRhCp0QezZbFyp8GKXP2RgqTZxSIA14P8fe2ONrMgAw7OL77%2BnSnXvZpfsIvF5c99GPcoIXi9wvlBccaxSPicDnYGEZ3eOK8kE9A4tQyODMpzkNJgtLhNOLLoIrm9Ac%2FbP1GCfPyY8sWiyqGfgZ8Ir8rFI8ukGiPTLY%2F%2BhoFCsWHs3OTLA%2FApzvjajK3DDzb%2BqP%2BZ5LVHtN%2FAEZX%2FG2ow6p%2Bc99xTZMHK8NnEnHSppWIGBMyCA7hwU%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_D41saVZQ
  8. That will more than likely be the heated mirror element which your replacement probably doesn't have
  9. Check fuse 20 to see if that is blown - usual fault is the actuator mechanism is seized and will need cleaning up or replacing You can manually release the catch by removing the drivers side rear side trim cover in the boot area and moving the mechanism by hand
  10. Sounds like you have a leaking slave or master cylinder (or both) if the fluid needs topping up Best to look underneath and see if there are any fluid leaks in the transmission area
  11. Maybe best to get a mobile mechanic to come to you rather than driving it any further. It should be a relatively easy task to diagnose with a scan tool Let us know how you get on with it
  12. I would advise to contact Vauxhall UK directly and enquire about the warranty Also it would be useful to determine if it has had paint for a repair by visiting a bodyshop and also get a quote while you are there
  13. please let us know the outcome when you get it diagnosed
  14. Try this company https://www.vauxhallgreenparts.co.uk/Rascal.html
  15. Try this company https://www.reluctorrings.com/
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