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Vauxhall Owners Club

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Vauxhall Owners Club last won the day on March 7

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  1. If in doubt drop it into a tyre bay and they should be able to advise and possibly reset it for you while you wait
  2. Ebay may be your best bet as can deliver to you in France There is a discount code at the top of this page https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=vauxhall+nova+steering+rack&_sacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p4582968.m570.l1313
  3. very rare indeed - cannot remember the last time i saw one
  4. There may be some air trapped in the cooling system Pop it back to the garage who changed the housing and I'm sure it will only take them a minute or so to expel the air
  5. sounds like one of the door switches is faulty and the system believes one of the doors is open. Try opening each door in turn and see if the interior light comes on and goes out after a short period When you find one that neither switches the light on or off then there is the problem Don't forget also the tailgate as this will also affect the central locking
  6. Try this site https://www.castrol.com/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/product-finder.html?page=landing
  7. Hi....welcome to the club Good to have you onboard!
  8. Hi....welcome to the club Feel free to ask anything and hopefully someone will know the answer
  9. are you getting current at the bulbs? earth points may be worth checking or substitute an earth to see if illuminating bulbs
  10. Hi....welcome to the Club Nice collection of some classic Vauxhalls you've had over the years. Hope you find something worthy of your empty garage
  11. Hi....welcome to the Club How are you getting on with the Grandland? Managed to work out all the tech?
  12. Hi....welcome to the Club Glad to see that you have resolved the numerous issues and positive outcome
  13. Great diagnostic skills used to determine faults rather than just replacing components in an attempt to resolve the issues. Thanks for giving feedback and solutions
  14. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386357680038?_skw=vauxhall+insignia+key+fob+repair+kit&itmmeta=01JMYAFGR6H5Y651XRYAWXKMA5&hash=item59f4b657a6:g:MN8AAOSwXeZiLNkw&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA4FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1el5vz8K%2BiZsiL9sAwjT0AgYIyUwhsxPZbZ7fOY2zdMDy36XcROkHql23ChNLprm2mwvfLA3uUcpLYM0VtxDL0HsCpKFzlzaX43eqFQHgpi1TdHcGZQQQbrT--BG%2FQijexggxMHe65HCcBE%2FeGZiKqEaVGI9A3mGQ%2BZb5frb5kcIud%2Fbet75tuw%2FlRQjOSnYluqFd0DapOMToda9N15lP78bV8qr9qt0hjCyrfpDxVTpF0qArdWrWH9FCU9EqzaSOZQ2iTSOMwilEE3EWzLnIdt|tkp%3ABk9SR6SMvsqnZQ Repair kit for the buttons - will need soldering onto the board
  15. It does sound like it needs to have a constant clear out of the carbon build up in the EGR, DPF and Turbo. Carbon builds up in town driving and only really has a chance to clear when the power is applied. When a DPF regenerates it produces smoke and you will also notice the engine temperature may rise. This is normal and needs to occur more frequently to keep the DPF clean otherwise it will cost a fortune to clean or replace
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