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Jacko P

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    Severn beach
  • Car Model
    Grandland x

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  1. Hope you resolve this soon. The treatment that I received from Vauxhall was appalling. I also gave the ombudsman all the details they asked for……….Now Jan 24 still waiting. When/if, you get it back sell it to the highest bidder and walk away. You will sleep better. good luck let me know how you get on.
  2. Wow you are the lucky one. I was charged for the labour and here we are in January 2024 and I am still paying it off. The service that I received was atrocious to the point of being criminal. No replacement vehicle for two weeks. Refused to answer my calls and not notified when the job was finished. I had to go to the showroom to find out what was going on. I was held to ransom over the return of the car. Pay the labour cost or no car!!!!! Disgusting desk jockey in servicing department a total moron. I paid monthly and finish Feb 25 motoring ombudsman informed still waiting to be contracted sold the car back to Vauxhall as I will not be treated to like dirt from a total retard, I might add sold at a loss. glad to get rid of sadly what was a fair car but the people skills of the staff are non existent I have been motoring since 1967 and have had dealings with several motoring companies but this one is the Pits Now drive a Volvo. Polite customer service. Efficient mechanical service knocks spots off Vauxhall
  3. Engine consuming oil approx 1ltr per 280-300 miles. Not smoking or leaking. Asked by garage to do 1000km (621m) after drained and filled with fresh oil. 48 hour investigation and could not identify the fault, New engine was the solution. They want me to pay the labour cost approx 10hrs. £1500+!!!!!
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