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  • Location
    Sutt Coldfield
  • Car Model
    2011 meriva 1.4 turbo

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  1. Where are the 2 pipes water/oil located to the turbo.problem with a leak, think it’s the oil pipe.
  2. Not sure if this will help, my meriva 1.4 petrol turbo, had a slow leak and nobody could find it. Took it to a traditional garage and it was the turbo pipes, meriva turbo water cooled.
  3. Look at the header tank that you top up the anti freeze , mine was over heating renewing it solve the problem, don’t get from Amazon, I did and wouldn’t fit
  4. The Vauxhall owners club they should sort it out
  5. Try Bcs breakers used them and very knowledgeable, or post it on the breakers web site, who post on various breakers
  6. Even buying a 2nd engine the cost of doing it would(garage) be expensive
  7. You could take it back and get the RAC to inspect it. Odd that no warning lights came on to tell you low oil, has it been disabled
  8. This happened to my meriva 2011 1.4 petrol, it was like Blackpool illumination, car still drove but nothing worked. Pointed to the abs system. It sits under the plastic header tank for topping up the antifreeze. Took it to a guy who fitted a second hand one and reset everything. This might be your problem but mine seems to have worked
  9. Try BCS Vauxhall breakers couldn’t find it before, if no luck try this guy he’s known as Vauxhall Barry and is amazing,he did the meriva for me, when garages were taking the mick
  10. try one of the breakers site, post on the breakers website, there is Vauxhall breakers. Used one for the brake abs system and no problem
  11. Finn


    The part is exactly the same, you’re right it’s the first and last, friend changed the plugs on hi old Range Rover and the smoke coming out was unbelievable. Told me he got them from Amazon + other stuff every thing dumped and renews with quality parts now running sweet as a nut
  12. my 2011 meriva 1.4 turbo petrol has got an oil leak at back of engine , when turned of it drips down onto the the exhaust down pipe where it joins the the exhaust manifold. Unfortunately I’m on holiday with it , so any advice would be appreciated
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