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    Vauxhall Grandland x

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  1. Hi, At wits end with this now, don’t know how to resolve this problem.0
  2. Thanks for the update. The wait goes on…..
  3. Hi. I am trying to replace a bulb at the rear of my Grandland X 2018. I have taken off one of the screws (circled in red in the attached pic). It then became loose, but just wondering what else I have to release, is there a further screw/clip etc? Thanks In Advance.
  4. Hi, can you confirm if this has now sorted out this problem? Thanks In Advance.
  5. Let’s hope this might be the solution then.
  6. Hi. Yeah I have had this for 6 months now, tried changing abs sensors, wheel bearings, nothing has worked. Really frustrating now.
  7. Hi, anyone any further forward with this? 4 months on and the problem is still not solved. Basically everytime I turn the car on, I get all these warning lights, whereas before it was sporadic.
  8. Grandland X I have now had the ABS sensors changed and also the bearings and I am still getting this problem, I don’t know where to go next with this? Would a change of battery as suggested before help? Every warning light now comes up every time I start the car, at first it was now and again, but it’s all the time now.
  9. Update… Mechanic has tried changing abs sensors and bearings, loads of different parts.. The problem has still not been sorted. Anyone got a solution for this??? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi, I have the exact same problem, mechanic change the sensor on the rear wheel where a fault was showing, messages still come up. It definitely seems worse first thing in the morning.
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