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    1.8 Sri Vectra 55 plate

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  1. New here,Looking for some help and advice here on my 55 plate veccy 1.8sri. Bought the car a few months ago, had intermittent ciggy lighter usage for dash cam/changing phone since I bought it on both fronts and rear ciggy lighters. So I'm assuming it's a dying fuse but I wouldn't know where to start. Also last night my front wipers stopped working. The motor still makes a noise but wipers won't move, rear one works fine it's just the front 2. Also passenger front window can only be opened/closed by drivers controls would it be a simple fix with a new switch? This is my first owned car since iv stopped getting mobility cars and would like to do as much work as I could myself before resorting to taking it to a garage so any and all advice etc is very much welcomed.
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