I thought I’d add my experience to the list.
My parents bought a Vauxhall Crossland 1.2 SE (71 plate) back in January from Vauxhall dealership.
10 months on and it has just had a service direct from dealership (on time). 23k miles on the clock.
The have flagged that the timing belt is torn and asked if I had full service history.
They investigated and said that one service (prior to our ownership) was late by 3 months and they couldn’t promise to fix the issue free of charge.
This implies that a full service is enough cover to quality for this known fault to be fixed at no cost?
What gets me is that they failed to inform my parents of this known wet belt issue upon purchase. Had I known about it I would have most certainly have told them to steer clear, with the knowledge that so many are having to pay out ££££ to get it sorted.
I’ve seen a document floating around the thread that mentions the known fault - does this apply to 2021 reg crossland? If so I will certainly be using it.
p.s two weeks ago the engine warning light came on saying ‘ engine fault, low oil pressure ‘ the instructions along the lines of stop driving the car.
Could this be linked to the belt issue perhaps?
The engine light disappeared upon restarting the engine…. I’ve gone 500 miles since with no issues other then than the clutch slipping on occasion? Or is this another belt?
To be clear, I’m awaiting an outcome from Vauxhall as to whether they will allow the belt to be changed for free as the missed service interval was due to a previous owner and not us.
im preparing myself for the worst …
All comments welcome.