Vectra 3.0 CDTI V6 181BHP (2007)
Hello, I didn't have any warnings lights showing on the dash but was advised to do a scan with regards to something else, two codes came up so I cleared them to see if they would reappear.
They have along with the wrench light which wasn't on before. Them yellow lights are annoying.
Any help appreciated!
I'd also like some advice on a tuning box that was already installed on the car, without it switched on the car isn't bad, a bit lazy but certainly goes if you want it to.
With the engine switched off I selected option LO for both torque and bhp, as advised by the manufactur of the device and what a transformation! The gearbox doesn't hunt around for gears in town traffic and she certainly gets up to speed a lot quicker. I even noticed a big increase in mpg. Normal mode: 75mph 35mpg, and with it switched on to LO: 75mph 55mpg.
I tried it in HI mode and 15mph to 60mph was rather rapid to say the least. I have put it back in to Lo mode as that seems about right and I've also heard horror stories about them breaking fuel pumps and christ knows what, so I'd like the experts opinions please, lo, med or hi or not at all. :)