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    CV36 4GE
  • Car Model
    Vauxhall Grandland X

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  1. I have a 1.5 d blue Grandland and already had the battery replaced it worked ok for a couple of days then failed in the same way. Not convinced have been supplied with the right battery tho. What’s the battery spec you guys have fitted ? Think battery is on the right track tho.
  2. It’s like when a random fault comes up it triggers all the lights to come on, my cooling fan also turns on very fast when the lights are showing, turn car on and off all go apart from EM lights, I clear the faults or wait over night, all is then ok until I accelerate or overtake then back on again . Mine points to a low fuel pressure fault but my mechanic is yet to find anything at fault using his scan tools etc time will tell I guess.
  3. Have the same problem with my 2019 Grandland x 1.5 d Blue took to the garage yesterday and they could not find the fault? Works great until you accelerate over 40 mph then all the lights mentioned come on, turn car on and off all go apart from engine management light. That goes also after being left for short time off or reset with scan tool. When checking with OBD2 scan tool showing no speed sensor/ABS faults. Could this be a software glitch on Vauxhall part ? But it’s making my car undeliverable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Update- Fault code cleared with scan tool is P0087-77 Fuel rail low pressure. Garage changed fuel filter and looked like this, photo attached. Fuel filter didn’t fix problem. b6916dda-cb58-430a-aafa-7401a0f180dc.mp4
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