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Everything posted by Doc.

  1. You may have found the cause by now, but if you have the Air-Con switched on, I'm fairly sure the Fan will run continuously.
  2. Car is still Fault-Light-free, thankfully. Was half-expecting the Stabilitrak one to re-appear, but so far so good. Next short chapter. Car has been making Wheel Bearing noises for a few weeks. Didn't seem too bad, so I told my Daughter to just keep an Eye (Ear) on it and let me know if it got any worse. I'd only ever driven it round the Block since it started doing it, never going above 35-40-ish, but after doing the MOT the other day I drove it back to Her house. On the Motorway it was really loud, but I couldn't pinpoint it. Definitely from the front, but sounded central to me. Doesn't get worse when cornering hard, definitely speed-related in severity. Just about noticeable from 35mph or so, steadily increasing in volume as speed rises. It's worst at around 50mph. There is a distinct 'pulsing' to the sound, like a "VUR-VUR-VUR-VUR", along with a constant background 'Howl'. At 40-45mph, the pulses come at approx 5-6 per-second. By the time you hit 55-60, the pulsing blends in with the background howl, quite noisy. Had the Wheels off a couple of days ago, Hubs feel fine when spun by hand, zero play in either. When I was on the left side, I noticed the area around the Gearbox Oil Level Plug was wet with Oil. I think it's probably been leaking for a while. Removed the Plug, quite a bit of Debris on the Magnet. Was all 'Fines', about the size of a large Pea. Dropped the Gearbox Sump Plate, got approx 900ml out, so fairly low (1.6ltr normal capacity?). Cleaned the Plate, refitted, filled with 1.6Litres of 75W90 Fully Synth. It's definitely running a bit quieter now, only took it round the block, 45-50 tops. Asked my Daughter to see what it's like at 60+ on her way home.
  3. Well as I mentioned, I did replace the MAP Sensor, as it was quick and cheap(-ish). Daughter relies on the car (Toddler & Baby), and her Partner needs it for work at night. Just wanted it sorted asap. The MAP Sensor didn't fix it, so anyone need one? Low mileage, only fitted to check, as new, etc etc . . .
  4. So, that was easier than I was expecting. New Cam Cover arrived this morning, fitted it, ran it, checked/cleared Fault Codes, all sorted. It had also failed for the Stabilitrak Warning Message and Light. Removed the front ABS Sensors, R/H one had a bit of Brake Dust on it, cleaned both. Poked a thin strip of Solvent-soaked Cloth down the holes and spun the Hub to try and clean the Sensor Ring. That fault cleared and didn't come back, happy days. Took it down for the retest, passed.
  5. Hi all. New member here, by proxy, Daughters car . . . Done some searching here but couldn't find anything to help. 2011 1.6 Astra Estate, she's had it less than a year, it's been Ok until a couple of weeks ago. Running a bit sluggish, Engine Light on, irregular Idle, speeds up sometime when brakes applied. I stuck my Diag Tool (Topdon Artidiag500) on it last week, several codes; 1. P0106 MAP Sensor Performance 2. P0131 HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Sensor 1 3. P0137 HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Sensor 2 4. P0171 Fuel Trim System Lean 5. P0300 Engine Misfire Detected 6. P2270 HO2S Signal Stuck, Lean Sensor 2 They all cleared, but came back after a bit of use (30-40 miles or so). Now, I'm not sure if they all appeared at the same time, my Daughter and her Partner have been using the car since the Engine Light came on, and the sluggish running and Idle issues started. Seems unlikely to me that several components are suspect, so I'm thinking a Wiring issue, or that one issue triggered another, then another, or there's another link? I checked the Plugs initially, they looked pretty well used, so I replaced them, it was due a Service anyway, so it has a fresh Air Filter, plus Oil & Filter. No change in the running with the new Plugs, not that I was really expecting any to be honest. Then on Friday my Daughter sprung the bombshell; "Oh, by the way, the MOT expires on Tuesday . . . " No pressure then . . . I replaced the MAP Sensor this morning, just because it's a 5-minute job, and my local spares place had one on the shelf. Took it for the MOT this afternoon, after clearing the Codes again (yes, I'm sometimes that optimistic!), of course it failed on emissions. Tester told me it's likely to be the PCV in the Cam Cover, said it's pretty common with the symptoms it has. Checked the Fault Codes when I got it home, only #1 & #4 form the list above showed up, but I suspect the others will return after a bit more driving. Whipped the Cam Cover off, tried to remove the PCV (yes, I'm sometimes that optimistic!), oh how I hate car designers . . . Ordered a new one. So, any immediate thoughts? Are the Codes linked, Wiring issue, other explanation? Many thanks
  6. Hi. New member checking in, and for me, that usually means only one thing . . . I have a problem with a car! Member by proxy this time, my Daughter's car. 1600 2011 Astra Estate. I'll do some searching, then post a topic if I can't find the answer. Cheers. 'Doc' (John)
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