Hi everyone I have an insignia 2.0d, I have issues regarding starting, it won't. I have gotten the following codes from my scanner P2282 (I replaced MAF sensor),P0101, P0403,P0193,P0113,P2100,P0344,P0016(REPLACED CAM AND CRANK SENSORS), P0336. I need advice as to which if any of these faults are related or 1 or more being a consequence of each other if that makes sense. I know my fuel filter needs replacing and I also think my timing belt also needs replacing. The car rotates but is not firing at all not even a whimper I just run the battery flat. My intention is to change the timing belt and fuel filter. Is this the best place to start and take it from there. I did have the dreaded low oil pressure problem but fixed that by replacing the pickup seal. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you.