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Tigra alarm problem


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Hi all, bought an 09 Tigra a few months ago which I really love, however, sometimes when I turn the key in the ignition the alarm goes off. No matter what I do (open and close door, press various key fob buttons, turn ignition on and off again, vacated the car and locked door with fob) nothing interrupts the alarm. I just have to wait until it stops by itself and sometimes it happens a second time. Haven't taken it to the garage as it only does it every 1 in 12 times (approx) and not sure what they can do if the car isn't exhibiting the problem when I go there. At first I thought it was after closing the boot but it's happening  when I haven't used the boot. Luckily I don't leave my house at unsociable hours as I would have rather peeved neighbours. Any Tigra owners had a similar problem? If so, advice would be very much appreciated. Sheelagh :)

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Hi Trevor, thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I’m not adverse to getting under the bonnet, so will certainly take a look at the connections. Of course I won’t know straight away as it doesn’t always play up. Will let you know either way. Thanks again



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  • 1 month later...

Hello again Trevor, tried unplugging as suggested above. Left overnight and wired back up in the morning. Alarm not fixed and car was stuck in 4th. How I laughed (not). Well after wiping away the tears from my initial panic, tried undoing terminals and replacing again. 4th gear issue resolved, phew. But back to square one re the alarm. Going into garage tomorrow for a diagnostic as also issue with windows not returning to closed position after opening roof, which is weird as all works ok when closing roof and windows work fine normally. Have bought myself a Vaux-com which arrived today but is refusing to load onto windows 10. Thinking of getting a horse n cart.I can manage hay and water!!!



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  • 6 years later...

The alarm on my 09 tigra won't go off whatever you do apart from taking the fuse out so at a loss everything else works has anyone ideas apart from leaving the fuse out ????

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